Our Services
Congratulations on your pregnancy! Welcome to a new part of your life that can bring many blessings but can also be a significant transition and change in your world.
I consider it a privilege to be able to provide a range of care to help you and your family to navigate this time.
Antenatal care (care in your pregnancy) involves regular checks of you and your baby to empower you to progress through your pregnancy and prepare for your birth and postpartum. We can provide care in whichever way you need; private one on one care, shared care with your GP or Obstetrician or just antenatal and postnatal care. I can also provide this care via telehealth if you don’t live locally, please reach out and ask for what you need.
As an Endorsed midwife I can order blood tests and ultrasounds and provide relevant information regarding recommended antenatal care guidelines and detect if your pregnancy deviates from normal. In this case I have a collaborative agreement with local Obstetricians to refer to as needed, or I can facilitate your attendance at local hospital for further assessment if required.
Our visits will occur in your home and can be for an hour (or more if needed!) to take time to discuss your needs. Your partner and/or children are always welcome to be a part of your visit as you feel comfortable. This allows you to ask any questions you have and for us to develop a trusting relationship so that you can feel safe with your care provider during your pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
If you’re having a homebirth this is particularly important so that you can truly relax in your home and assist your labour to progress. It also allows me to become familiar in your home so I know where things are for the birth!
Visits generally occur every 3-4 weeks from the first visit until 32 weeks, then 1-2 weekly until birth. Of course, this is individually tailored to you and your needs. One of the advantages of having your own midwife is that you have access to me at any time and I am just a phone call away. Once you are 37 weeks I am then on call for you 24 hours a day so I may come and attend your birth when you need me.
We can discuss pregnancy planning, labour and birth preparation, breastfeeding education and postpartum planning.
Through education sharing and informed decision making with you, I can assist you to make choices that align with your values and beliefs in relation to maternity care.
Visits 1 hour (or more if needed).
Where and how you labour and birth is absolutely unique to you and everyone is different in how much they need to prepare.
Regardless of where you plan to birth; I can help you gain an understanding of the physiology of birth, know coping strategies and pain relief options, ways that your partner can support you, develop your birth preferences and explore different birth scenarios.
2 x 4 hour classes in your home.
Private Labour and Birth Preparation Classes
The birth of your baby is an experience that you will remember for the rest of your life. It is individual, primal, and one of the biggest physical, emotional and psychological challenges your body can achieve. Fortunately, we are very clever; and just like our bodies know how to conceive and grow our babies, they also know how to birth them. Generally, they do this the best in an environment where they are safe and can be vulnerable to harness that amazing power and strength.
Birthing at home can be that safe place. It is familiar, in feel, sight, space and smell, all of which promotes a feeling of comfort and security. Picking the right team to support you is also just as important. Evidence shows that having one on one care with a known midwife you have built a trusting relationship with reduces the need for intervention, the need to transfer and increases the likelihood of a vaginal birth.
In the rare event that an emergency occurs, your midwife brings necessary equipment, knowledge and skills to manage that emergency or recognise early the need to transfer before it becomes an emergency.
home birth
Whilst pharmacological pain relief is not carried by private midwives; you can hire a birth pool and/or a TENS machine to assist you to remain relaxed with the powerful surges of your body needed to open your body and meet your baby.
Then after the birth of your baby your midwife and the second midwife (legally 2 midwives are required to be present at birth) will stay to ensure you and your baby are well and stable (usually 4 hours). They will assist in tidying up and making sure you are well set up to rest and recover in your bed with your baby. You will then have 24 hour access to your midwife should you have any concerns before your first postnatal visit.
If you are interested in hiring a birth pool or a TENS machine, both can be hired directly from Matrescence Midwifery.
Get in touch to book.
Telehealth services for pregnancy support, education, lactation and postpartum
Are you living in a rural or remote area and have limited access to midwifery care or support? Or perhaps just can’t access the model of care you would have liked?
Please contact me to enquire how I can help you with support services via Telehealth. I can offer pregnancy education and support, breastfeeding/feeding education, planning, and postpartum lactation support, and postpartum care and support.
Services can be bulk billed, an individual appointment and fee or as a package. Please contact me for details.
telehealth midwifery support
If birthing at home is not for you and you are birthing in hospital; you may still wish to have support that feels familiar to you, especially if you have had your antenatal care with me too. Whilst no private midwife can provide clinical support in any hospitals in the Northern Rivers, they can act as a non-clinical support in the hospital for labour and birth.
I can assist with ways of moving through surges, assisting your partner to physically support you, helping to understand medical interventions, and holding space for you so you can allow yourself to surrender to your birth process.
hospital birth support (non-clinical)
So your little one has arrived earthside! Well done and congratulations! Whilst this time is full of magic and wonder as you enjoy your new baby, it can also be challenging as you adjust to being a new parent and walk the Matrescence journey. Matrescence looks different for each person and there are not time limits on how long it may take.
I can assist and hold space for you during this time and help you to navigate this journey.
I can visit you in your home on a daily basis if needed and then weekly or via phone up to six weeks postpartum. Each visit will be based around your and your baby’s needs and tailored to your unique circumstances.
postpartum care & support
Some of the things we might do are weigh and measure your baby, provide support and guidance with breast or bottle feeding, newborn tests and wound observation. New parenting skills of settling baby, normal newborn behaviour, managing parent needs with baby needs, bathing baby and understanding baby sleep behaviour.
As an endorsed midwife I can also prescribe any medications you may need in this time for infection recovery or milk supply.
1-2 hours.
During my own feeding journey with my children and those I have seen as a midwife, I have been witness to the incredible rewards and benefits that breastfeeding can bring. But a new mother can have difficulties whilst learning to breastfeed and the well-meaning advice given from many can confuse and induce unnecessary stress.
This prompted my passion with breastfeeding and drive to become an International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant.
My hope is that by providing care that is consistent and holistic, that I can help mothers along with their breastfeeding journey. And if this is not possible or a mother chooses not to breastfeed, I will provide advice and support to enable her to feel empowered and safe when feeding her baby.
lactation support
Matrescence Midwifery offers packages or individual appointments face to face or via telehealth consult for lactation support. Feeding education can begin in the pregnancy and continue with support in the immediate postpartum and up to six weeks. Further lactation support can be given after six weeks but would not attract a Medicare rebate.
1-2 hours. $150 with $70 rebate before six weeks.
What is Acuneedling by A Midwife?
Acupuncture is an ancient practice that has been used to treat the body for thousands of years. Acuneedling is acupuncture that is performed by a midwife only to specific areas of the body to treat symptoms specific to pregnancy, birth and postpartum.
Acunnedling uses small needles to stimulate specific points or pathways (meridians) to restore balance of energy or “Qi” (pronounced Chee) and promote health.
acuneedling & Moxibustion
“Acupuncture is becoming increasing sought after by pregnant women for common pregnancy complaints of back and hip pain, nauseas and vomiting, breech presentation and in some circumstances induction of labour, with minimal adverse effects. Evidence has shown it to be safe for use in pregnancy”. (Smith & Dahlen, 2009).
The aim for acuneedling in pregnancy is to treat symptoms of a health concern, not always to alleviate the cause. This is the scope of practice for the acuneedling midwife. Due to its gentle therapy, it can be repeated as needed with good effect.
Vulval varices
Varicose veins
Restless legs
Back, hip, symphysis pubis pain and sciatica
Itching without a rash
Pregnancy induced hypertension
Threatened miscarriage
Fetal growth and blood flow to the placenta
If you are having your pregnancy care with me, acuneedling can be part of your care or as a separate appointment.
Labour and Birth
Acuneedling can be very effective in assisting the body in its preparation for birth by softening and relaxing ligaments, optimising fetal position, preparing the cervix and tonifying the uterine muscles and allows the mother to feel well in the process. In some cases, it can also help to activate labour (only past 40 weeks). Acupressure in labour has been found to be very effective for calming the mother and pain relief ;and as it is non-invasive can be repeated as often as needed. I can show you and your partner how to activate some of the acupressure points at home and for use during birth. I can also show you how this can be achieved with leave in press-tacs (sticky dots with mm small needles than can be left on the skin and activated).
Acuneedling in the postpartum period assist the mothers body to repair, restore balance, and assist with low milk supply, early mastitis and infection, afterpains, constipation, tears and haemorrhoids and scar therapy. It also can help with calming, grounding, stamina and fatigue. “Mother warming” refers to using moxibustion to warm the lower back and abdomen and restore balance to the body after the loss of the large uterine space.
Moxibustion may also be used to aid in the therapy. This involves the burning of mugwort herb over the acupuncture points to provide a stronger effect.
Treatments can start as early as 10-14 days after a vaginal birth and 3-4 weeks after a caesarean.
Acuneedling may be done as part of a package of care if birthing with me, or as individual appointments.